I am REALLY going to try to write something here at least once a month - sorry the previous entries have been so sporadic!
Gabriel's party this weekend will be the 2nd hottest party of the month (Anthony's party the next day will probably overshadow, if for no other reason than his incredible cuteness!) :)
Work is.....well, work. The pregnancy epidemic at my preschool may finally be coming to an end (Heidi had her baby yesterday, and Cruz is due in 2 weeks - and so far our newlywed Mayra has nothing to announce). This will be the first time in my entire two-year history with QCS that no one at my center is pregnant. Unless Mayra succeeds in getting pregnant, like, yesterday. (it's possible)
I still can't get Erinn to come to any family events, but I am not giving up hope that she will mature enough to someday WANT to be part of our family again.
Oh, next week I get to go to another taping of The Price Is Right....who knows, maybe I will have something really EXCITING to report next week! If i don't get onstage this time, I hope that one of the military wives going with me gets up there and wins BIG. :)
Mike and the boys are doing well, and for now there are no deployment plans in our immediate future. If you can spare a prayer or two, please send some good thoughts toward Mike being home with us for at least another year or two before the next deployment (all of my prayers are that his recent deployment was his LAST ever, but I am not so sure that prayer will be answered...)
I told Mike on New Year's Eve that I had a feeling that 2009 will be our best year yet, and the feeling is getting stronger; will keep you all posted, and hope your new year is going GREAT!